Installation art by Bo-dene. She is wearing a yellow cube head, performing in the installation space. She is embracing a pole in the middle of Site Eight gallery RMIT. The pole is in the middle of a yellow space created with lights and paint.
Bo-dene is performing in this installation art, wearing a yellow cube for her head. She is lying down in the middle of Site Eight Gallery RMIT, in a yellow space created with lights.
Bo-dene is performing in this installation art, wearing a yellow cube for her head. She is in the corner of Site Eight RMIT gallery, standing underneath a small yellow cube on the wall.
Bo-dene is performing in this installation art, wearing a yellow cube for her head. She is peeking around the pole of Site Eight Gallery RMIT, in a yellow space created with lights.
Installation Art by Bo-dene. View of the ceiling of Site Eight Gallery RMIT, painted yellow.
Installation art by Bo-dene at Site Eight Gallery RMIT. Bo-dene has removed her yellow cube head, and she is lying down with the yellow space created from the lights falling on her.
Bo-dene is performing in this installation art, wearing a yellow cube for her head. She is sitting down on the floor of Site Eight Gallery RMIT, in a yellow space created with lights.
Yellow Corridor installation art by Bo-dene. She is wearing a yellow cube for her head, and she appears to be taking it off. She is next to her yellow space created in Site Eight Gallery RMIT.
Yellow Corridor Installation art at Site Eight Gallery RMIT. Bo-dene is sitting on a white cube, wearing a yellow cube head, staring into the yellow space she has created with lights.



Studio Wall